Know how different it is from other vaccines
In such a situation, let us know what is needle free vaccine. How will it be installed? How will it be different from other vaccines?
Question: If the needle is free, how will this vaccine be administered to the people?
Answer: With Jet Injector, know how…
There is no injection needed to apply the ZyCoV-D vaccine. It is an intra-dermal vaccine which does not require injection into the muscle.
The ZyCoV-D vaccine will be administered with a jet applicator or injector. This allows the vaccine to be injected into people's skin under high pressure.
Whereas from the needle injections that are used, the liquid medicine goes into the muscles. Compressed gas or spring is used for pressure in jet injectors.
It is shaped like a stapler. This gives a 0.1 ml dose of the vaccine. The device consists of three parts – the injector, syringe, and filling adapter. About 20,000 doses can be given with a single jet injector.
Question: Will it cause pain and no infection?
Answer: There will be no pain, know how safe it is…
The first advantage is that it reduces the pain to the person who is getting it, because it does not go inside your muscles like a normal injection. Just a little pressure is felt, as felt when applying a rubber band.
The second advantage is that the risk of spreading the infection is much less than the needle injection. Also, there is no possibility of reusing the syringe.
Also, there are many people in the country who do not want to get the corona vaccine due to needle. In such a situation, now their problem will also go away.
Companies like Farmjet, Spirit International, Valeritus Holdings, Injex, Enteris Pharma manufacture jet injectors.
Question: How many doses of ZyCoV-D vaccine will be required?
Answer: Three, know how much gap there will be in this…
So far, the number of corona vaccines being administered worldwide, they are either single dose or double dose. But ZyCoV-D is the first vaccine, which will be administered in three doses.
Three doses of ZyCoV-D vaccine will be administered at an interval of 28-28 days. The second dose will be given 28 days after the first dose of the vaccine and the third dose will be given 56 days later.
The cost of each dose will be Rs 265. Also, you will have to pay Rs 93 for the needle-free applicator. It does not include GST.
Question: How effective is this vaccine in preventing corona virus?
Answer: Up to 66.60% effective…
ZyCoV-D is the second indigenous vaccine that has been completely developed in India. Zydus Cadila tested the vaccine on 28 thousand volunteers.
Based on the results of this test, the company claims that the effect of this vaccine against corona has been 66.60%. Clinical trials of the vaccine included people of all age groups, including children aged 12 to 18 years.
This vaccine can be stored for a long time at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. Also, it can be stored for up to 4 months at a temperature of 25 ° C.
Question: Is ZyCoV-D a better vaccine than DNA based vaccine?
Answer: Yes, know what the scientists argue…
ZyCoV-D is a DNA based vaccine. It is seen worldwide as a more effective vaccine platform. It can be understood in this way – there is talk of attacks on the human body by two types of viruses – DNA and RNA. Corona virus is an RNA virus which is a single strand virus.
Whereas DNA is double stranded and there is DNA inside the human cell as well. The DNA vaccine converts the virus from RNA to DNA and makes a copy of it. This causes the virus to become double-stranded and eventually it is molded into the form of DNA.
It is believed that the DNA vaccine is more powerful and effective. Till now only DNA vaccine is given for problems like smallpox to herpes.
Question: In which states will this vaccine be installed now?
Answer: In seven states, know their names
The ZyCoV-D vaccine has been developed by Ahmedabad-based pharma company Zydus Cadila. The company has started its supply to the central government from Wednesday.
Right now this vaccine will be applied to the people of seven states. These include Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Punjab and Jharkhand.
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